
About this Blog

This blog is served as a video featured blog for myself. So I can link to them quickly. And helping others to link to my unlisted items in order to escape Google's copyright radar

Since each post contains only one video, it is reasonable that all the playlists are put together and in the Playlist widget
因為這裡一帖只能張貼一個影片 所以所有的播放清單都被整理連結在 Playlist 欄裡

If u are searching for any video, use the search widget at bottom left of this blog
如果你要找認和影片 請善加利用本BLOG 右下角的search 工具

That's about all you should know about this blog~ have fun!
享受囉~~BLOG 就介紹到這吧!

**all CopyRights belongs to the original owner, I am only providing (and embedding) video links for everyone's convenience, if you are the copyright owner of the video ( which is not likely to happen) and want the link removed, please inform me and ... I'll remove it w/ my broken heart

**所有版權歸原作者所有 我只是提供連結讓大家方便 若你是版權的擁有者 希望我將連結刪除, 請告知我一聲 我會心碎的刪除它的

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