
狂迷台劇呀~~ Crazily in Love with Taiwanese Drama

台劇8點檔 常被稱為長壽劇 因為都超~長~的啦~~~一播都是一年多(還一到五 每晚2小時)
Taiwanese's 8pm dramas are often called "long year(age) drama"((o.O?!)) for they are always very long, often last more then one year(Mon.~Fri. 2hr each night)

of course, not every actor(actress) can be able to do this exhasting job...

actually this time i would fall for the drama is because that when i went back to Taiwan, i watched TV with my grandma(I never have any immunity towards TV)

我看劇基本上都是喜歡看演員的演技 台劇演員的演技真的好得沒話說 XD 比偶像劇的演得好太多了啦
when i watch dramas, i like to observe the actors and actresses' acting skills. TW drama's actors and actresses are all very good at acting XD so much better than those other Mandarin-Taiwanese drama(shorter ones that are much more similar to Jap. dramas and Kor. dramas)

我會選擇看「我一定要成功」 最主要是因為我欣賞 葉全真
I chosed to watch "I Have to Succeed, GO!" is mainly because I really admire(o.O?!) Quan-Zhen Yie

女主角的她 日也操 眠也操(台語) 卻很堅持的一直繼續演下去 敬業的精神真的令我太太太佩服了啦>"< 墜樓.爆炸.槍擊.跳海 在劇中她可是樣樣都沒少呀 As the leading actress, she works night and day(o.O?!) and she still persist on fdoing the job, her great effort made her my new idol~~!!>"<


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